function sunrot, image, from_time, to_time, radius, center, $ parameters = parameters, solid = solid, B0 = B0, _extra = _extra ;+ ; NAME: ; SUNROT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Differential or solid rotation of the Sun. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Mapping, Image processing. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RESULT = SUNROT(Image, From_time, To_time, Radius [, Center, $ ; PARAMETERS = parameters, MISSING = missing, CUBIC = cubic, SOLID = solid, B0 = b0]) ; ; INPUTS: ; Image: Array to be wrapped. This array may be of any numerical type. ; ; From_time: Time of the observation according to SolarSoft conventions. ; ; To_time: Time to which rotation is desired (also according to SolarSoft conventions). ; ; Radius: Solar radius in pixels. ; ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; Center: the solar center relative to the lower left corner. By default the center ; is the center of the array. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; PARAMETERS: rotational paramaters. ; By default, the following expressions are used: ; ; delta_longitude = (13.39 - 2.7*(sin(phi))^2)*time_interval - for the differential rotation ; delta_longitude = 360/27.2753*time_interval - for the solid rotation ; ; Using the keyword PARAMETERS, these values can be modified. ; ; SOLID: Sets solid rotation with a period of 27.2753 days by default or uses the value ; specified by the keyword PARAMETERS, i.e., PARAMETERS = 360/period. ; ; B0: Two-element array to explicitly specify the latitude of the solar disk center for ; the observation time (B0[0]) and for the desired time to which the image should be ; rotated (B0[1]). By default, the B0 is calculated using the GET_RB0P SolarSoft ; function. ; ; Keyword parameters of the INTERPOLATE function (see IDL documentation): ; ; CUBIC: Cubic convolution parameter for the cubic convolution interpolation method. ; Set this keyword to a value between -1 and 0 to use the cubic convolution interpolation method. ; ; MISSING: The value to return for elements outside the bounds of the array. ; ; GRID: Don't use it! Setting GRID = 1 causes an attempt to allocate a huge array in memory. ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Wrapped image. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; The current graphics device is switched to Z buffer, where the MAP_SET procedure is called. ; Then the initial graphics device is restored. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The SUNROT function uses ANYTIM and GET_RB0P functions; thus, basic SolarSoft routines ; should be installed. ; ; The keyword parameter GRID = 1 (/GRID) should not be set. ; ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The current graphics device is switched to Z buffer to enable operability even if ; no graphics connection with the computer is available. The MAP_SET function ; establishes the orthographic projection corresponing to the observation time. ; Coordinates of all pixels inside the disk area are converted to longitudes and ; latitudes. The longitudes are shifted according to the differential or solid ; rotation. Then, the MAP_SET function re-establishes the orthographic projection ; corresponing to the time, to which the rotation is performed, and longitudes ; and latitudes are converted back to the rectangular coordinates of the pixels. ; The interior of the disk is replaced with the initial image interpolated ; to the new coordinates, while the outer part of the image is left unchanged. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; Specify the center and radius of the sun in pixels ; ; Center = [200, 300.] ; Radius = 180. ; ; Specify times of observation and rotation ; ; From_time = '12-sep-95 03:00:00' ; To_time = '14-sep-95 17:00:00' ; ; Calculate B0 for the observation time ; ; B0 = (get_rb0p(anytim(From_time, /yy)))[1]*!radeg ; ; Simulate a solar image in a graphics window: ; ; window, 0, xsize = 512, ysize = 512 ; ; Set the orthographic projection ; map_set, B0, 0, 0, /ortho, /nobor ; ; Set proper conversion between DEVICE and NORMAL coordinates: ; ; !x.s=[Center[0], Radius] / float(!d.x_size) ; !y.s=[Center[1], Radius] / float(!d.y_size) ; ; Plot heliographic grid ; ; map_grid, latdel = 15, londel = 15, glinestyle = 0, /horizon, /label ; ; Read the image from the graphics window ; ; image = tvrd() ; ; Wrap image ; ; rotated_image = sunrot(image, From_time, To_time, Radius, Center, cubic = -0.5) ; ; Display wrapped image in another window ; ; window, 1, xsize = 512, ysize = 512 ; tvscl, rotated_image ; ; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: VG is grateful to D.Stern, V.Garaimov, M.Aschwanden, V.Slemzin, ; E.Golubeva, and S.White for fruitful ideas and suggestions, which are used in ; this code. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; ISTP SD RAS, 1996. ; Victor Grechnev ( Initially written. ; ; ISTP SD RAS, Feb. 2006. ; VG: Essentially rewritten to introduce interpolation and simplify the routine. ;- ; Save coordinate system: X_save = !X Y_save = !Y Z_save = !Z Map_save = !map Sz = size(image) if n_elements(center) lt 2 then center = [(Sz[1]-1)*0.5, (Sz[2]-1)*0.5] if n_elements(B0) ne 2 then begin B00 = (get_rb0p(anytim(from_time, /yy)))[1]*!radeg B01 = (get_rb0p(anytim(to_time, /yy)))[1]*!radeg endif else begin B00 = B0[0] B01 = B0[1] endelse solid_rotation = keyword_set(solid) CASE solid_rotation OF 0: if n_elements(parameters) lt 2 then parameters = [13.39, -2.7] 1: if n_elements(parameters) lt 1 then parameters = 360/27.2753 ENDCASE ; Save the name of the initial graphics device: init_dev = ! ; Set Z buffer graphics device: set_plot, 'Z' device, SET_RESOLUTION = Sz[1:2] ; Set the orthographic projection for the observation time: map_set, B01, 0, 0, /ortho, /noerase, pos=[0,0,1,1], /nobor ; Set the proper conversion between DEVICE and NORMAL coordinates: !x.s=[Center[0], Radius] / float(!d.x_size) !y.s=[Center[1], Radius] / float(!d.y_size) ; Prepare X and Y to specify a circle parametrically: N_arg = mean(Sz[1:2])*4 arg = findgen(N_arg)/(N_arg-1)*2*!pi x_arg = Center[0] + Radius*cos(arg) y_arg = Center[1] + Radius*sin(arg) ; Interior of the solar disk, 1d index disk_index = polyfillv(x_arg, y_arg, Sz[1], Sz[2]) ; Convert 1d index to 2d: disk_x = fix(disk_index mod Sz[1]) disk_y = fix(disk_index / Sz[1]) ; Convert coordinates from pixels to longitudes & latitudes: lonlat = convert_coord(disk_x, disk_y, /dev, /to_data) ; Time difference in seconds: delta_t = float(anytim(from_time)-anytim(to_time))/86400. ; Compute the longitudinal shift: scalar if solid, array if differential: if solid_rotation then diffrot = delta_t*parameters[0] else $ diffrot = (parameters[0]+parameters[1]*(sin(lonlat[1,*]*!dtor))^2)*delta_t ; shift longitudes and reset multiples of 360 degree: lonlat[0,*] = (lonlat[0,*] + diffrot) mod 360 ; Set the orthographic projection for the desired time to account for the B0 difference: map_set, B00, 0, 0, /ortho, /noerase, pos=[0,0,1,1], /nobor ; Set proper conversion between DEVICE and NORMAL coordinates: !x.s=[Center[0], Radius] / float(!d.x_size) !y.s=[Center[1], Radius] / float(!d.y_size) ; Convert NEW coordinates from longitudes & latitudes to pixels: New_plane_coord = convert_coord(lonlat, /data, /to_dev) ; Fix possible hits beyond the spherical surface: bad_ind = where(finite(New_plane_coord) ne 1, count) if count ne 0 then New_plane_coord[bad_ind] = -1 ; New image is the same as initial (outside of the disk): new_image = image ; Replace the interior of the disk with the old image interpolated to the new coordinates: new_image[disk_index] = reform(interpolate(image, New_plane_coord[0,*], New_plane_coord[1,*], _extra = _extra)) ; Return back to the initial graphics device: set_plot, init_dev ; Restore initial coordinate system: !X = X_save !Y = Y_save !Z = Z_save !map = Map_save return, new_image end